by Haldane King

The recent murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor have caused our nation to stop and reflect on the racism and discrimination that affects so many of our colleagues, neighbors, customers, suppliers and friends.

It’s toxic, it’s systemic, it’s wrong and it needs to stop now—before it infects a new generation of Americans.

We have also realized that no matter who you are or what role you play in society, we are all being called upon to respond to what we have witnessed—and respond in a positive, long-lasting way.

As a young company committed to diversity, equality and inclusion, we will take further steps to ensure our continued allyship to the Black community.

We will be part of the solution, not the problem.

We actively stand against injustice and systemic racism.

The steps we are taking include

  • Increasing our investment in organizations supporting the field of STEM education in Black communities by making a financial donation to the following organizations: Black Girls Code and Black & Brown Founders.
  • Assessing our leadership team and ensuring we have hiring and promotional policies that support BIPOC.
  • Hiring a Diversity and Inclusion leader, who will spend the time to provide our staff with resources, training, and education to support an anti-racist workplace culture and build a place of belonging.
  • Being transparent with our journey.

We’ve started our journey, and we will continue to do more. We will continue to be vigilant with every single part of our business and ask ourselves how we can be better and more inclusive, now and every day going forward—from the people in our boardrooms to the ones on our billboards.

We reject the norms of injustice toward the Black community, we support Black Lives Matter and their protests in support of the Black community. We condemn violence of any kind, especially from the state on its civilian population. We will continue to listen, learn, and educate ourselves.

Black Lives Matter, and “matter” is the minimum.

Jaya Rao & Dilip Goswami

Co-CEOs and Co-Founders

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