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by The Molekule Insights Team

This article was contributed by our good friend Kenna from The Flip Hubb.

Well, it's official. Summer is coming to a close. Although the sunsets are sticking around and the warm days will last a few weeks longer, the kids have loaded up their backpacks and we're ready to head back to school. 

Parents everywhere know that the school year—especially the fall—is synonymous with germs. As kids head into the classroom and spend more time indoors while temperatures drop, they are exposed to more viruses and bacteria than they are in the fresh air and sunlight (which is actually a natural sanitizer!). 

We're all used to the usual colds, tummy bugs, coughs, and ear aches. But there are much nastier viruses lurking out there like hand, foot, and mouth disease; RSV; COVID; strep throat; and so much more.  

Here are five tips for reducing your exposure to germs of all varieties, and keeping your house clean without wrecking your air quality. 

1. First and foremost: a daily schedule that allows you to clean along the way.

The mornings in our home set the tone for the whole day. The best way that I have learned to navigate and make the best of this is with a block schedule! This allows for flexibility and structure without the pressure of strict timelines. 

My block schedule is generally arranged like this:

5:30am–7:30am: Gym, daily prayer and scripture study, shower and get ready, meditate, eat breakfast, dinner prep, wipe down the counters. 

7:30am–9:30am: Kids up and ready for the day, breakfast, school drop off, and chores for the littles still at home

9:30am–12:30pm: WORK for mom 

12:30pm–2:30pm: Lunch, naps and quiet time. Maybe clean sound countertops, dust, or vacuum. 

2:30pm–5:00pm: Play time, school pickup, WASH HANDS AND TAKE OFF SHOES, chores after school, dinner as a family 

5:00pm–7:30pm: Dinner cleanup! Vacuuming and wipe down. Family time, extracurricular activities

7:30pm–10:00pm: Bedtime routines including teeth brushing, bath time, parents “free time”, fill out blocks/plan for tomorrow.

Rest, rinse and repeat! 

Obviously the kids routine is in there as well, school times and our once-a-week sitter will kind of change things up as the day goes. This is the nice part about a block schedule, it’s flexible enough to fit in cleaning here and there, which is really the secret—do a little every day and it won't get away from you.


2: Set “Chore Days” 

The kids have their set chore charts. Occasionally we will rotate what each child does each week. The biggest takeaway with this is that when the kids are young they are simply learning how to do the work. So yes, as a parent it is going to also include you helping on the chores. Not only are you teaching them but you are reinforcing the fact that they can do hard things themselves once they have been taught! 

For the big things around the house, we have set dates or times that things are done.

For example, laundry is always done on Mondays. Justin spearheads the laundry and he starts it in the morning and by that evening we are having a folding party. Putting the clothes away is part of the kids’ chores. 

Another example is that after tidying up the kitchen each night, I use my favorite vacuum/mop to clean the floors. This is done each night so that we can wake up to a clean space that is ready for a new day. There are few things worse than waking up to sticky, dirty, stinky dishes in the sink. 

3: Weekly Sunday Meetings

This has been a game changer for my marriage, my business, AND my overall wellbeing. Call me dramatic, but it's the truth. Each Sunday Justin and I have our weekly meeting after the kids are in bed. 

This is where we go over what we have going on in the coming week, what projects we are working on, what due dates I have for work, any appointments or assignments we may have and everything in-between, and of course talking about planning if any of the kids are sick. 

We also go over our finances, business status and goals, and ultimately just get on the same page. 

This has been HUGE for us. It gets us both on the same page knowing when the other is busy or might need an extra hand. It also helps us be more aware of one another, connecting on what might be a stressor and determining ways we can figure things out together. 

4: A solid after school routine

Consistency is everything with kids. My little ones are required to 1. take off their shoes and 2. wash their hands immediately upon getting home from school. This prevents a lot of the playground muck and germs from making its way throughout the home (and into our air). 

Of course, daily baths help keep everyone healthy, and brushing teeth has been proven to support whole body immunity, not just oral hygiene (which is super important).  

Dirty clothes go straight into the hamper for weekly loads of laundry to sanitize and clean everything and prevent germs from getting around the house. 

A boys bedroom with a space-themed rug and an open organized closet

5: Clean Air + Not just surfaces!

Besides the avalanche of germs from the school year, my youngest son and I both struggle with allergies year round. We live in the mountains but also near farm fields. Regardless of that, there is so much GUNK in the air. We’ve cleaned and decluttered and the last thing we want is to be breathing in dirty air! One of my favorite things we have incorporated into our home is the Molekule Air Pro.

Close up of a sleek, gray metal Molekule Air Pro Air Purifier

Molekule air purifiers don’t only collect, they destroy pollutants like bacteria, mold, viruses, chemicals, and more. We’ve got countless other habits we are creating to aid in the cleanliness and organization of our home and life, but we truly can’t clean everything. The PECO-HEPA Tri-Power filter offers not one, but three layers of protection for the air you breathe. Molekule’s own researched & developed PECO technology destroys allergens, pet dander, dust mites, bacteria, and viruses. The HEPA layer captures pet hair, dust, smoke particulate matter, and other large particles. And finally, a layer of carbon fights pet odors and toxic gasses. The PECO-HEPA Tri-Power filter is the only filtration system offering this unique combination of air purifying technology.

With the convenience (and let’s be real, the aesthetics of the Molekule) I don’t have to stress about the allergens and germs in the air. It has made my life significantly more stress free and let’s me breathe easy, ya know? Pun absolutely intended. 

A sleek, gray metal Molekule Air Purifier sits next to a wood dresser in a beautiful home

Look, I know the new school year and adjustment from summer to fall can be well, and adjustment. I hope these 5 ideas help you as much as they have helped me. 



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