As the long, hot days of summer give way to the crisp, cooler air of fall, it’s time to think about transitioning your HVAC system to match the changing seasons. Making this shift efficiently ensures your system operates smoothly and prepares it for the demands of the colder months ahead.
- August 26, 2024
- 3 min read
Vacuums are one of the most powerful cleaning tools you can have in your home, but they still need a little help from time to time. Every vacuum, from simple upright models to automated smart vacuums with all the bells and whistles, requires regular cleaning and maintenance. Typically, you should clean your vacuum every six months, though you may need to do it more often if you notice stinky vacuum odors, a loss of suction, or visible debris left behind during use
- June 27, 2023
- 8 min read
Air purifiers can remove unhealthy particles and toxic gasses, which helps protect us from diseases made more likely by air pollution in addition to reducing allergy and asthma triggers. When choosing an air purifier it’s very important to have one that is sized to the space it’s used, and that it’s in a spot where you’re most likely to breathe the air it cleans.
- June 16, 2023
- 6 min read
The Global Day of Unplugging is about understanding how technology influences our daily lives by taking a full day to abstain from using technology like smartphones. Most of us remember a time when everyone did not have the entire internet in their pocket, and have had to navigate the extremely rapid adoption of these devices and all of the good and bad information they feed us.
- March 03, 2023
- 6 min read
No one enjoys a heat wave. Sure, they’re uncomfortable, and the high temperatures can make it feel like you’re living in a furnace. But the real threat of heat waves comes from the danger they pose to public health. Heat is the number one weather-related killer in the United States, and even non-fatal exposure can lead to dehydration, exhaustion, and, worse, heat stroke.
- September 15, 2022
- 7 min read
This holiday season we’re very excited to partner with interior design expert Bobby Berk who shares our goal of celebrating design that is both functional and aesthetic. The global Covid-19 pandemic has both the party thrower and the party goer thinking a little differently about going out this year, but the basic festive elements are not going to change.
- December 02, 2021
- 3 min read
Your home is a space that should allow you to control the influence of outdoor temperatures, precipitation, and pollution. However, sealing your home from the outdoors can also trap pollutants indoors, in some cases allowing air pollution to build up to unhealthy levels. A wide range of substances can affect the air quality in your home, including particulate matter, toxic gases, viruses and bacteria.
- July 28, 2021
- 7 min read
Alexa is Amazon’s AI-enhanced virtual assistant that can play music and podcasts, set alarms, take notes, and control your Molekule air purifier, hands-free.
- April 15, 2021
- 4 min read
- December 07, 2020
- 4 min read
- October 27, 2020
- 8 min read